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Meet JB

J B Leep
Non-Profit Board President

I love Windsor’s unique, small-town character. I am running for Windsor Town Council District 3 to help address the challenges we face in the years ahead so we can maintain our great quality of life in this award-winning family-friendly town.    

As your Councilmember, I will focus on balanced budgets, well-maintained streets and parks, public safety, fire and earthquake emergency preparedness, and environmental initiatives that protect ourselves and our children.  

I am president of Waste Less Windsor and coordinate recycling at the Summer Nights on the Green and other Town events. I have an engineering degree from Stanford and for 17 years I ran a software company with my wife. I dealt extensively with school districts and agencies and prepared complex bids and contracts. I have owned retail clothing stores, I served as the Board President of a 152-unit homeowners association, and I volunteer with various Windsor non-profits such as the Windsor Food and Toy Drive.   

I am a proud member of the Rotary Club Of Windsor.  I have served for a few years as Program Chair, which means I work with a group of members to arrange for speakers at the meetings.  I also handle some of the audio-visual at the meetings, and head up a team that maintains the website.

I have been married to my wonderful wife, Carol Martin, for almost 35 years.  We have a daughter and two granddaughters.

Perhaps most importantly, I love our Town. I look forward to putting Windsor first, listening to your input, and being a strong voice to do what’s best for the future of our community. I am endorsed by retiring councilmember Debora Fudge, and many Windsor neighbors.  

I ask for your vote for Windsor Town Council District 3.

Paid for by JB Leep for Windsor Town Council District 3, 2024, FPPC #1471943
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