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Hello from JB Leep!  I am running for Councilmember in Town of Windsor District 3. I bring a wealth of experience in business management, including contract negotiation, marketing, accounting and budgeting, reserve analysis, and inventory control.

My goals are to:

  • Protect Windsor’s small-town character while ensuring reasonable development to maintain our tax base and housing affordability.
  • Lead locally in environmental action, concentrate on NetZero programs, and create environmental progress in Windsor through community and governmental activism.
  • Focus on balanced budgets, well-maintained streets and parks, public safety, fire and earthquake emergency preparedness, and environmental initiatives.

I am president of Waste Less Windsor and coordinate recycling at the Summer Nights on the Green and other Town events. I have an engineering degree from Stanford and for 17 years I ran a successful 30-employee software company with my wife. I dealt extensively with school districts and helped prepare complex bids and contracts. I have owned retail clothing stores, I served as the Board President of a 152-unit homeowners association, and I volunteer with Windsor Rotary and the Windsor Food and Toy Drive.

Read more about me at my Meet JB page on this website.


"I fully endorse JB Leep for Windsor Town Council!  He is completely committed to serving the Town of Windsor, as I can see by his participation in Waste Less Windsor, events like the Food and Toy Drive, and in Rotary charity events funding school projects. I've interacted with him numerous times at Rotary, and he is always energetic and effective.  His business experience will go a long way as a Councilmember."

— James Gore
Supervisor, Sonoma County District 4

The Sierra Club is one of the oldest and most influential environmental organizations in the United States. Founded in 1892 by conservationist John Muir in San Francisco, its mission is to explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the Earth. The Sierra Club works to promote the responsible use of the Earth’s ecosystems and resources, safeguard the environment for future generations, and educate and empower people to make sustainable choices.

The North Bay Labor Council is one of nearly 500 state and local labor councils acting as an arm of the AFL-CIO. Labor Councils are the heart of the labor movement. NBLC represents over 70 thousand working people and some 70 union affiliates in Sonoma, Lake, Mendocino, and Marin Counties. The Labor Council is a democratically elected body dedicated to represent the interests of working people at the state and local level. NBLC works to elect candidates to public office who support Labor Standards and will stand by working people.

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Paid for by JB Leep for Windsor Town Council District 3, 2024, FPPC #1471943
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